Three Men in A Boat by Jerome K. Jerome


Then we pulled up the canvas, and all four of us poked our heads out over the off-side, and looked down at the water and shivered.  The idea, overnight, had been that we should get up early in the morning, fling off our rugs and shawls, and, throwing back the canvas, spring into the river with a joyous shout, and revel in a long delicious swim.  Somehow, now the morning had come, the notion seemed less tempting.  The water looked damp and chilly: the wind felt cold.

“Well, who’s going to be first in?” said Harris at last.

There was no rush for precedence.  George settled the matter so far as he was concerned by retiring into the boat and pulling on his socks.  Montmorency gave vent to an involuntary howl, as if merely thinking of the thing had given him the horrors; and Harris said it would be so difficult to get into the boat again, and went back and sorted out his trousers.

I did not altogether like to give in, though I did not relish the plunge.  There might be snags about, or weeds, I thought.  I meant to compromise matters by going down to the edge and just throwing the water over myself; so I took a towel and crept out on the bank and wormed my way along on to the branch of a tree that dipped down into the water.

In the Thames

It was bitterly cold.  The wind cut like a knife.  I thought I would not throw the water over myself after all.  I would go back into the boat and dress; and I turned to do so; and, as I turned, the silly branch gave way, and I and the towel went in together with a tremendous splash, and I was out mid-stream with a gallon of Thames water inside me before I knew what had happened.

“By Jove! old J.’s gone in,” I heard Harris say, as I came blowing to the surface.  “I didn’t think he’d have the pluck to do it.  Did you?”

“Is it all right?” sung out George.

“Lovely,” I spluttered back.  “You are duffers not to come in.  I wouldn’t have missed this for worlds.  Why won’t you try it?  It only wants a little determination.”

But I could not persuade them.

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