ART 160: Art for Future Pharmacists
This course requires no previous art experience and is designed with the pre-med brain (and GPA needs) in mind. Which pill shape and color maximize swallowability? How can I give patients red pills while avoiding associations with The Matrix? Students will turn pharmaceutical design, prescription, and delivery into a creative pursuit.
MW 2:30pm–3:45pm at DL (Dunham Laboratory) 220
ENGL 423: Aesthetics of Death
Taught in English, this upper-level seminar explores human constructions of mortality. Weekly visits to the frigid, bleak Grove Street cemetery will enhance student experiences by providing a rich backdrop for their compositions.
M 1:30pm–3:20pm at the Good Life Center
MCDB 123: Biology of Feet
Colloquially known as “Socks for Jocks,” this course is for non-science majors who wish to enhance their understanding of some of their major appendages. This course will consider 1) the relationship between foot shape, sock shape, and shoe shape, 2) the physics of locomotion, 3) podiatry culture in America. This course is intended to be a comprehensive survey of feet.
MW 11:35am–12:25pm at DAVIES (Davies Auditorium, Becton Ctr)
MGMT 766: The Psychology and Behavior of Yale Hospitality
This behavioral economics course will attempt to explain the organizational decisions of Yale Hospitality through an interdisciplinary approach. In what ways do inflation and other macroeconomic indicators explain the disappearance of tangerines from Commons? How can we manage the stress on campus plumbing systems after olive oil-rich dinners? Explore these and other pressing questions through this graduate-level lecture, open to Yale College students with previous advanced economics coursework.
F 11:30am–3:00pm at COMMONS (Commons Dining Hall, Schwarzman Ctr)
PLSH 244: The New Polish Cinema
The development of Polish cinema from Fall 1989–Summer 1990. Specific exploration of changes in technique, themes, historical influences that followed the name change from the “People’s Republic of Poland” to “the Republic of Poland.” Due to overwhelming student interest, weekly screenings will now be held in a timeslot that better reflects Yale students’ natural habits.
W 11:00pm – Th 2:00am and Th 10:00pm–11:15pm at HQ (Humanities Quadrangle) L01
–M. Raphael