Three Men in A Boat by Jerome K. Jerome


Where it is really the owners that are to blame, they ought to be shown up.  The selfishness of the riparian proprietor grows with every year.  If these men had their way they would close the river Thames altogether.  They actually do this along the minor tributary streams and in the backwaters.  They drive posts into the bed of the stream, and draw chains across from bank to bank, and nail huge notice-boards on every tree.  The sight of those notice-boards rouses every evil instinct in my nature.  I feel I want to tear each one down, and hammer it over the head of the man who put it up, until I have killed him, and then I would bury him, and put the board up over the grave as a tombstone.

I mentioned these feelings of mine to Harris, and he said he had them worse than that.  He said he not only felt he wanted to kill the man who caused the board to be put up, but that he should like to slaughter the whole of his family and all his friends and relations, and then burn down his house.  This seemed to me to be going too far, and I said so to Harris; but he answered:

“Not a bit of it.  Serve ’em all jolly well right, and I’d go and sing comic songs on the ruins.”

I was vexed to hear Harris go on in this blood-thirsty strain.  We never ought to allow our instincts of justice to degenerate into mere vindictiveness.  It was a long while before I could get Harris to take a more Christian view of the subject, but I succeeded at last, and he promised me that he would spare the friends and relations at all events, and would not sing comic songs on the ruins.

You have never heard Harris sing a comic song, or you would understand the service I had rendered to mankind.  It is one of Harris’s fixed ideas that he can sing a comic song; the fixed idea, on the contrary, among those of Harris’s friends who have heard him try, is that he can’t and never will be able to, and that he ought not to be allowed to try.

When Harris is at a party, and is asked to sing, he replies: “Well, I can only sing a comic song, you know;” and he says it in a tone that implies that his singing of that, however, is a thing that you ought to hear once, and then die.

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