Three Men in A Boat by Jerome K. Jerome


“No; but you can drink some of it,” replied the old fellow.  “It’s what I’ve drunk for the last fifteen years.”

George told him that his appearance, after the course, did not seem a sufficiently good advertisement for the brand; and that he would prefer it out of a pump.

We got some from a cottage a little higher up.  I daresay that was only river water, if we had known.  But we did not know, so it was all right.  What the eye does not see, the stomach does not get upset over.

We tried river water once, later on in the season, but it was not a success.  We were coming down stream, and had pulled up to have tea in a backwater near Windsor.  Our jar was empty, and it was a case of going without our tea or taking water from the river.  Harris was for chancing it.  He said it must be all right if we boiled the water.  He said that the various germs of poison present in the water would be killed by the boiling.  So we filled our kettle with Thames backwater, and boiled it; and very careful we were to see that it did boil.

We had made the tea, and were just settling down comfortably to drink it, when George, with his cup half-way to his lips, paused and exclaimed:

“What’s that?”

“What’s what?” asked Harris and I.

“Why that!” said George, looking westward.

The dog

Harris and I followed his gaze, and saw, coming down towards us on the sluggish current, a dog.  It was one of the quietest and peacefullest dogs I have ever seen.  I never met a dog who seemed more contented—more easy in its mind.  It was floating dreamily on its back, with its four legs stuck up straight into the air.  It was what I should call a full-bodied dog, with a well-developed chest.  On he came, serene, dignified, and calm, until he was abreast of our boat, and there, among the rushes, he eased up, and settled down cosily for the evening.

George said he didn’t want any tea, and emptied his cup into the water.  Harris did not feel thirsty, either, and followed suit.  I had drunk half mine, but I wished I had not.

I asked George if he thought I was likely to have typhoid.

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