Can it be said that the American people are not so low-brow as they like to pretend? There is a great deal of affectation in this homespun frame of mind, and many a man makes believe that he doesn’t know things simply because no one has ever written about them in the American Magazine. If the truth were known, we are all a great deal better educated than we will admit, and the derisive laughter with which we greet signs of culture is sometimes very hollow. In F.P.A. we find a combination which makes it possible for us to admit our learning and still be held honorable men. It is a good sign that his following is increasing.
A text-book on English composition, giving examples of good and bad letter-writing, is always a mine of possibilities for one given to ruminating and with nothing in particular to do. In “Business Man’s English” the specimen letters are unusually interesting. It seems almost as if the authors, Wallace Edgar Bartholomew and Floyd Hurlbut, had selected their examples with a view to their fiction possibilities. It also seems to the reader as if he were opening someone else’s mail.
For instance, the following is given as a type of “very short letter, well placed”:
Mr. Richard T. Green, Employment Department, Travellers’ Insurance Co., Chicago, Ill.
Dear Mr. Green:
The young man about whom you inquire has much native ability and while in our employ proved himself a master of office routine.
I regret to say, however, that he left us under circumstances that would not justify our recommending him to you.
Cordially yours,
Now I want to know what those “circumstances” were. And in lieu of the facts, I am afraid that I shall have to imagine some circumstances for myself. Personally, I don’t believe that the “young man” was to blame. Bad companions, maybe, or I shouldn’t be at all surprised if he was shielding someone else, perhaps a young lady stenographer with whom he was in love. The more I think of it the more I am sure that this was the secret of the whole thing. You see, he was a good worker and had, Mr. Thompson admits, proved himself a master of office routine. Although Mr. Thompson doesn’t say so, I have no doubt but that he would have been promoted very shortly.