Heaven Is A Deal by Michael Gerber


Well, it was hard to hear all that. I tried to sit there quietly, like my lawyer asked me to. “Don’t pay a bit of attention,” he whispered. “These people are fanatical humanists, and you can’t argue with a person like that. Only God can open a mind that closed.” I tried not to fidget, really I did, but after the fourth or fifth professor did his little song and dance, I couldn’t stand it any more. I stood up and yelled, voice firm with righteousness, “Satan loves big words, sinner!” Then I told Mr. and Mrs. Crompton exactly what God thinks about girls who get their bellybuttons pierced.

I was happy to be bound and gagged; shoot, I wanted them to, just so people could really see how Christians are treated in this country. Thank goodness there was a cross on the wall of the courtroom. That gave me great comfort, as I’m sure it did everybody else. A picture of our Lord would’ve been even better, but I guess that wouldn’t be PC.

That’s all right—I forgive them. I forgive them all. I can imagine how I’d feel if someone borrowed my child, even for the best of purposes. (Actually, if anybody took Hayden, I’d probably call them up and say, “Can you keep her?” I’m only kidding, of course.)

Everybody from my church has been very supportive, and I’ve gotten tons of mail from strangers (and even a few marriage proposals, don’t tell Griselda). But I’ve stopped reading the newspapers. When has the secular, Wall Street controlled press ever given any Christian a fair shake? To hear them tell it, I was exploiting those children for my own personal gain. Of course they’d say that, because that’s them. They literally can’t imagine anything more important than themselves, and their God, Money. And that’s why it burns them up every time somebody buys this book. So thank you. You’re helping to hasten the arrival of God’s Kingdom.

I understand the reaction I’ve caused among the heathens, but even some so-called Christians—those whose faith has been stunted and poisoned by contact with secular society—say that trying to find “proof” of Heaven is blasphemous. They say that looking for Heaven like it was Cleveland isn’t what a true believer should do. They say the word of God, as revealed in The Bible, should be enough.

It’s this kind of attitude that has kept Heaven hidden and out-of-reach for 2,000 years. If we can finally prove Heaven is real, then pretty soon Southwest will be flying whole families there for $49 one-way. That’s the world I want to live in, and anybody who doesn’t, well, all I can say is, they’re just jealous because they know they won’t get in.

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