Sterling Memorial Library – A great place to start.
With over 12 million books, the options are practically
endless. They have a great selection of Middle Eastern
or Chinese, and don’t forget the thesauruses. Delicious!
Or should I say scrumptious? A word of warning:
Some of the books on the upper floors of the stacks
may be sticky.
Bass Library – This is a newer eatery, and it’s a bit more
underground for those of you trying to find something
less mainstream. The lack of natural light adds great
ambience. The selection may not be as nice as you find
in Sterling, but the service is great, even if there are
sometimes naked people running through.
Library Storage Facility – If you’re looking to escape hectic
campus life, head on over to the LSF. Sure, they may
store the books in shipping containers, but the round-the-
clock climate control keeps the freshness in. And
they even have free delivery! Bet you wish you had
found this hidden gem, Zagat!
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library – If you are a
true connoisseur with a refined palate, you
won’t want to eat what the common man enjoys.
You’ll want something more … rare. These books are
aged for the best taste, and though you may feel guilty
about the indulgence, you’ll know it was worth it.
For those with sophisticated taste, try the manuscripts,
and for the carnivores out there, don’t miss out on the
vellum-bound tomes.
Booktrader – While this entry may be misleading, as it is
listed in many guidebooks as a food café, they also have
books! While those weirdos are slurping down “corfee”
and guzzling “sandy witches,” you can cozy up with a
nice book to eat. Try the paperbacks for a light snack!
—B. Rudeen & S. Savitz