Breaking: Pros and Cons of Life in Zuccotti Park


Sign at Occupy Wall Street, reposted by The Yale Record college humor magazine
An article in New York magazine
 totes up the various pluses and minuses of life in the middle of Occupy Wall Street. What are some of the pros and cons?


• Being called “An Occupier” way hotter than being called “A Malodorous Drifter”
• Affordable downtown living, just steps from the 4, 5, N and R lines
• Got to flirt with that Canadian chick from The Daily Show
• If you squat in a hedge fund for over 2 years, you become the legal owner
• Infinitesimal chance something important might actually change


• Being refused entry to Burger King serious blow to self-esteem
• Lack of mainstream media coverage and/or skewed mainstream media coverage, depending on my mood
• After week of camping out, everyone covered in thin layer of derivatives
• Reached the point where we seriously need to learn some economics to keep having this conversation
• Bonus at real job is largely dependent on not leaving for two months to stand around in a fucking park

—Bildersee, Chernicoff, Klumpp

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