Shark Night 3D


PG-13 for sexual undertones, man-eating-shark overtones

If you’re not careful, you’ll miss the key moment in this trailer, at 1:17:

PANICKED GUY: This is insane! This is a lake!
OTHER GUY: (grimly) A salt water lake.

It’s this kind of attention to scientific detail that sets Shark Night 3D apart. Less conscientious filmmakers might have failed to read the first two paragraphs of the Wikipedia page on sharks, but the producers of Shark Night 3D are determined to get the science right. Witness:

PANICKED GUY: This is absurd! That’s a dog!
OTHER GUY: (grimly) A purebred dog.

PANICKED GUY: This is preposterous! It’s dark outside!
OTHER GUY: (grimly) And according to my calculations, it won’t be light again for another nine hours.

PANICKED GUY: This is implausible! That shark victim’s detached head is screaming for help!
OTHER GUY (grimly): Screaming through its mouth.

Puzzle of the Day: What valuable scientific lessons have you learned from horror films?—Ben Orlin
Owl dingbat from the 1920s reposted by The Yale Record college humor magazine

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