Breaking: NYC Says OWS A-OK


Occupy Wall Street photo reposted by The Yale Record college humor magazine A new poll says that 2/3rds of all NYC residents support the “Occupy Wall Street” movement. How are New Yorkers showing that support?

• End government testing toxic AIDS drugs on foster children! Wait, that’s what this whole thing is about, right?
• Staying the fuck away from Zuccotti Park at all costs
• Totally not buying any more mortgage-backed securities
• Not asking the protestors to define what the hell their actual demands are seems pretty supportive, honestly
•  Calling their elected representatives and demanding new legislation to break up too-big-to-fail financial institutions, ease mortgage debt for victims of predatory lending, regulate speculation in the commodities markets, and reform campaign finance–oh, no, wait, no, nobody’s doing that

—Our New Yorkers, Bildersee and Chernicoff

More responses: @Record_electric, and at #NYCluvsOWS

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