CS50 Lecture Now Just A Long, High-Pitched Noise


NEW HAVEN — According to recent reports, innovative educational experiment CS50 is now just a long, high-pitched noise. The computer science course, the first ever to be co-taught at Harvard and Yale, now consists of a loud beeping sound which lasts for the duration of the lecture. The sound is then rebroadcast on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

“At the beginning of the course, there was cake and a DJ and interactivity and learning,” said CS50 student Izzy Renfroe, BK ’17. “Now it’s more like a single, hourlong hum.”

Head instructor David Malan said in a statement that ongoing changes to CS50 are part of his plan to revolutionize pedagogy in the field. “At first we thought that having a DJ would be so cool and hip that everyone would learn everything,” he said, “But then we thought: How can we keep raising the game?”

The three students who regularly attend lecture are said to be learning a lot from the high-pitched sound, which is totally unlike anything ever attempted in past, and therefore a teaching revolution.

“This is CS50,” Malan said. “And this is a picture of me winning first place in a black-tshirt contest.”

— M. Kaplan

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