Breaking: The End Is Near—For Reals This Time



Harold Camping photo reposted by The Yale Record college humor magazine
Harold Camping, the preacher that predicted Armageddon last May 21, says the world’s ACTUALLY going to end this Friday. Now that you know, what are your plans for the week?

• Better start using all those Groupons
• Prepare the perfect ironic post-Rapture tweet
• Finally read War and Peace‘s Wikipedia summary
• Propose to every girl I’ve ever had a crush on, just to see if it would have worked
• Arraignment for May 21 killing spree.

—Staff  (Chernicoff, Cohen-Wade, Klumpp)

More responses: @Record_electric, and at #preraptureplans


(…and if you want another comic take on Armageddon, check out “The End of the World” by Beyond the Fringe.)


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