Breaking: NYPD’s Secret Weapons


surface to air missiles reposted by The Yale Record college humor magazine

The NYPD said it has weapons designed to bring down rogue aircraft. What are they, and how do they work?

• Nerf-armed kid army.
• “First, we roofy Magneto. Then…”
• Giant Potemkin Manhattan
• That’s classified, but we can tell you it involves occasionally shooting and/or beating up innocent black men
• Enormous yellow Caution tape
• Williamsburg-based irony cannon
• I’m sorry, is this supposed to make me feel better about anything? Because it doesn’t. So okay, the NYPD has a bunch of military-grade missiles–unless they’ve also got foolproof tractor beams that can ensure that the shower of smoldering fuselage all lands on Riker’s Island, I think maybe I’d rather they didn’t.

—Staff (Chernicoff, Kemper, Klumpp, Newsham)

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