Breaking: College Admissions Gets Personal


College admissions officer and student by Gerber reposted by The Yale Record college humor magazine.

Elmhurst College in Illinois is the first US university to ask applicants their sexual orientation. What other things should schools ask?

• “Please list all illegal gifts obtained from athletic recruiters and/or boosters.”
• “Please provide your pooping schedule below.”
• “Estimate your current market cap.”
• “Would you consider a career in college admissions to be a ‘waste of potential’?”
• “On a scale of 0-10—0 being Eleanor Roosevelt, and 10 being those twins from that Coors Light commercial—how hot are you?”
• “What is your routing number/PIN?”
• “Big spoon or little spoon?”
• “Are you a tattletale?”
• “Mark Rothko: Do you get it? Or…?”
• “Think you’re some fancy college boy now? Think you’re better than me?

—Staff (Chernicoff, Chiasson, Cohen-Wade, Harris, Kemper, Shea)

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