Welcome to the Yale Class of 2015!


By Melissa Chiasson • Congratulations! You made it. Breathe a sigh of relief–no more ACTs, subject tests, APs, IBs, or SATs ever again. You’ve now entered the world of FAFSAs, MCATs, LSATS, and MIPs! In all seriousness, though, welcome to Yale, and we can’t wait to see you guys at our meetings. We’ve been where you are now: the giddiness, the elation, the Blue-Marble-stalking. In fact, The Record‘s own Lincoln Sedlacek was inspired to share a tale from his own path to Yale. Now I’ll just copy and paste this without proofreading it, aaaand…


Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities: This year, I started being part of a special program in our school that gets organs to people who need them. We get all kinds of organs! Kidneys, spleens, livers, children’s kidneys… I remember the time I got a prize for collecting the most organs in one month! Coincidentally, my homeroom also won the prize for worst attendance that month.

What would you do with a free afternoon? After curing my hangover by smoking a ton of pot, I would roll out of my 32-year-old English teacher’s bed and change the name on Amelia’s essay to mine. Then I’d do lines of cocaine off of it.

Who is your favorite historical figure and why? Betsy Ross. Because she’s a whore, like me.

Explain in 100 words or fewer why you want to go to Yale: Besides its fantastic academic opportunities, I also hope to experience the exciting urban life of New Haven. From getting mugged in the street, to getting mugged in a coffee shop, to getting mugged at the Peabody Museum, there’s nothing better than a day in New Haven. The brisk, New Haven air blows through your hair like the bullets that might blow through your chest cavity at local bars.

Explain in 2 words or fewer why you want to go to Yale:
James Franco.

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