Curious George Gets Sold For Medical Experiments


Panel 9 from Curious George Gets Sold For Medical Experiments from The Yale Record.

When they let George out, he was very depressed. George was also mad at the man in the yellow hat for selling him! What a fink! George thought.

Panel 10 from Curious George Gets Sold For Medical Experiments from The Yale Record.

After tranquilizing George to make him more docile, the man took him to the operating room. “Great!” thought George,. “Maybe I’ll finally get a real nose instead of just two holes in may face.”

Panel 11 from Curious George Gets Sold For Medical Experiments from The Yale Record.

But when George woke up, his nose was the same. He was very hungry, though, and ate 346 bananas for lunch.

Panel 12 from Curious George Gets Sold For Medical Experiments from The Yale Record.

You see, the man in the white coat had removed George’s hypothalamus, that part of the brain which regulates food intake. Of course, scientists have known this fact for years, but there is no harm in being sure.

Panel 13 from Curious George Gets Sold For Medical Experiments from The Yale Record.

So George ate and ate, and even started eating his bedclothes when—POP!—his stomach exploded. Too bad!

Panel 14 from Curious George Gets Sold For Medical Experiments from The Yale Record.

14. Meanwhile, the man in the yellow hat was snaring another unsuspecting victim…

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