Curious George Gets Sold For Medical Experiments


Panel 1 from Curious George Gets Sold For Medical Experiments from The Yale Record.

George lived with the man in the yellow hat, who brought him from the jungle many years ago.

Panel 2 from Curious George Gets Sold For Medical Experiments from The Yale Record.

The man in the yellow hat needed money. He was drinking a lot, and playing something called “the numbers.” A big, hairy man named Mario was  going to come and break his kneecaps with a ball-peen hammer.

Panel 3 from Curious George Gets Sold For Medical Experiments from The Yale Record.

One day, the man in the yellow hat saw an ad in the newspaper. Then he and George drove in his car to Lederle Labs.

Panel 4 from Curious George Gets Sold For Medical Experiments from The Yale Record.

As soon as they got there, George was shot with a dart gun.

Panel 5 from Curious George Gets Sold For Medical Experiments from The Yale Record.

When George woke up, he was in a little cage. The man in the yellow hat was gone, but there was a man in a white lab coat. George was very unhappy until he noticed all the other monkeys around. Then he felt better.

Panel 6 from Curious George Gets Sold For Medical Experiments from The Yale Record.

The man in the white coat gave George food and things to look at. George particularly enjoyed the copy of “Lusty, Lusty, Big ‘n’ Busty” that he grabbed when the man wasn’t looking.

Panel 7 from Curious George Gets Sold For Medical Experiments from The Yale Record.

One morning, George was let out of his cage. “Today we are going to do an experiment,” said the man. “Get in this box.” George was excited. This would be fun!

Panel 8 from Curious George Gets Sold For Medical Experiments from The Yale Record.

But it wasn’t! Every so often, the box shocked George and he couldn’t get out. The man in the white coat was writing something, and ignored his screeching.

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