MLK Meets the 24-Hour News Cycle


kingthumbWritten by David Klumpp/Illustrated by Mike Thornton • The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave a speech in Washington today promoting civil rights.
“I have a dream,” King said, among other comments.
It is believed that King’s speech will indeed promote civil rights, due to its fine diction, powerful message, numerous fair points, and excellent delivery.

“It was really eloquent,” said Mary Gallagher, a Pennsylvania native who saw the speech.
“How can you not love Mr. King?” remarked Jud Lee, a Mississippi resident who did not attend the rally, “He and his friends try so hard.”

Still, many who attended believe the speech may worsen racial tension. “Don’t I think this will worsen racial tension?” commented one spectator. “That sure seems like a leading question.”

Conservative commentators were quick to react. “Dr. King must be straightforward about his associations with domestic terrorist Bull Connor,” said William Buckley, founder of the National Review. Despite eager anticipation from the press, Dr. King has yet to issue a statement in response. Until he does, it is believed that Mr. Buckley will remain one point ahead.

Still, many think the speech will go down in history for its beauty and historical significance.

Highlights of the speech, we are told, included an invigorating metaphor about cashing a check, references to mountains and valleys, a heartwarming section about Dr. King’s children, and a litany of the nation’s various states.

“Context,” intoned Dr. King, “. . . will ring from every village and every hamlet.”

Reporters gathered to watch as Dr. King gave an exclusive press conference afterwards.

“You did it, Mr. King,” said the journalist from ABC, “You made a speech. The deed is done.”

“What exactly is this press conference about?” King asked.

Dr. King answered several more questions eloquently, but grew inexplicably indignant and stormed out when asked what he thought the media might think of his speech, what message he was trying to send, what, if anything, he talked about, and whether there were any sound bites he would like to share with the public.



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