How Is Your Relationship With Your Hair? FeaturesQuizzes Sep 19, 2015 Do you ever douse your hair in colorful liquid in an attempt to make your hair more beautiful? No, true beauty is on the inside of the hairs on my head. Yes, I have smothered my hair in the piss of unicorns.Do you ever take a blade to your hair and chop it up into tiny pieces? No, I am the Rapunzel of the modern era. Yes, I derive pleasure from slicing my hairs apart.Ned Stark once said: “The man who passes the sentence must swing the sword.” Do you follow this honorable man’s words when you slay the hairs on your head? No, I take myself to the hair-murder shop and let others do my dirty work. Yes, I cut my hair myself, for only then may I obtain true dignity. I am both Ned Stark and Rapunzel at the same time, I do not slay my hairs.Do you have hair? No, I am alone in this world and all of my words are lies. I have some hair, but I know now that I am a hair murderer. My hair and I journey through this cruel world together, awaiting the day that we will pass from the earth, hair on head, as equals.Click Submit Quiz to find out the truth! —A. Ringlein SIMILAR ARTICLES How To Overcome Study-Abroad-Induced Alcoholism Sep 3, 2024 Our Club Is An Inclusive Space And Accepts All Sep 3, 2024 Drinking Games Sep 3, 2024