Breaking: Offensive Costumes


Halloween costumes posters reposted by The Yale Record college humor magazine
This Halloween, several groups have led high-profile campaigns against sexist and/or stereotypical costumes. What are the best ways to discourage offensive costumes?

• Show kids there are so many tolerant and non-offensive ways to dress up as one of those Mexicans
•  Come up with new, positive stereotypes. Having a woman dress up as a slutty maid is degrading, but having her dress up as a slutty rocket scientist is uplifting and inspiring to other women around the world
• Write press release pointing out that not all mummies are wrapped in toilet paper, many witches have excellent skin, and certain ghosts have little interest in scaring anyone
• Lawn sign:
“Offensive costumes will be ‘tricked’*
Appropriate costumes will be ‘treated.’
* No offense to professional sex workers is intended by our use of the word ‘trick'”
• Dress up as stereotypical uber-PC liberal by ramming actual stick up actual ass
—Staff (Chiasson, Chernicoff, Klumpp)


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