Scotland: A Peek Under the Kilt


Nessie picture reposted by The Yale Record college humor magazine
Few know this, but Nessie also attracts lightning.

5. Loch Ness – In the world’s longest-running demonstration of the scientific method, millions of tourists flock here each year to confirm by rigorous inspection that dinosaurs are, in fact, extinct. To this end, the Ministry offers hourly “Nessie” tours on the icy lake, which are a great opportunity for punishing imaginative children, or, for the perpetually single, hurling oneself to a watery death.

I’m sure you are well on your way to planning your next vacation, but in my excitement I’ve forgotten to mention Scotland’s greatest asset: it is the birthplace of philosopher David Hume. Once the most esteemed thinker in Europe, the enduring power of his ideas is such that it is not necessary for me to remember what they are. Check out the area behind his statue for photo-ops and an excellent public restroom.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, the pipes are calling. Which isn’t surprising, considering that I’ve just been eating haggis.

Owl dingbat from the 1920s reposted by The Yale Record college humor magazine

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