REPORT: Tickling Still Works


LOS ANGELES—A new report released on Thursday by the Solomon H. Snyder Department of Neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University concluded that tickling still works. “Our research shows that—even well into adulthood—the act of lightly titillating the armpit region and saying ‘goochie goochie goo’ stimulates laughter,” claims the “Abstract” section of the 344-page report. Neurons still transfer electrical pulses from the belly button to the parietal lobe, engaging excitement and unbounded joy from the tickled party.  Doubt about this claim stems from an overall decline of tickling instances as people reach adulthood. “Most of these moments occur behind closed doors, and general embarrassment about the act makes subjects less likely to admit they giggled and thrashed like an itty-bitty baby,” explained neuroscientist Dr. Leslie Mills regarding the findings. Neuroscientists are still gathering data on whether or not the laughter triggered by tickling is purely psychological and if it and can be resisted.

–L. Conklin

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