Hillary Clinton Returns To Connecticut For Yale Graduation, Skips Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania State


NEW HAVEN – Former Senator and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton visited Yale on Sunday to deliver the 2018 Class Day Address.

Clinton, who traveled from her home in Chappaqua, New York, had decided not to speak at Michigan State University, where she determined students “could make do with a State Senator or a DMV employee.” Students at Ohio State, another university Clinton decided to skip, were addressed by a talking piece of coal.

At Penn State’s commencement this year, beloved actor Tom Hanks read Clinton’s 2017 Wellesley College address, followed by a short clip of the former First Lady saying “I’m Hillary Clinton and I approve this message.”

At Yale, Clinton spoke about the dangers of increasing political polarization as she addressed a crowd in which supporters of President Trump were outnumbered by personal friends of the Clintons.

At Trump University this year, a cardboard cutout of President Trump presided over the graduation ceremony. Upon its conclusion, each student received a framed cocktail napkin from Trump Tower and a bill for $35,000.

– N. Amsel

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