What is this, anyway?
It is an online humor magazine overseen by alumni of The Yale Record, Yale University’s ancient student humor magazine.
Do I have to go to Yale to be a part of this?
No. The whole point is to bring the fun of a classic college humor magazine to people of all ages and situations. We encourage everybody to send in original work and links to funny things they’ve found on the ‘net. We won’t publish everything we get, but we promise to read everything you send.
What if I submit something and don’t hear back?
We’ll try to respond to submissions, but our small staff (see below) may make that impossible. Don’t take it personally. And if we don’t publish something you send, put it up yourself somewhere and send us a link. Just because a piece/cartoon may not work for our site, our readers may like it.
Do you pay?
Soon. The site is totally advertising-supported, and we have to reach a certain plateau of traffic before paying becomes practical. So spread the word! The moment we hit our mark, we’ll announce it on the site, and release the details of our payment plan. We’re hoping to be able to pass 100% of advertising generated by a piece to that piece’s author.
If you publish my work, do you own it?
Nope. You always own 100% of what you create, and can ask us to take it down at any time. We’ll try to do that as soon as possible.
This seems too good to be true. What’s the catch?
First, we love funny writing and cartoons, and are pissed off that you can’t make a decent living creating it. The decay of print magazines, plus the explosion of free content on the web, has made it impossible for funny writers and artists to pay their rent. And if people can’t get paid, they don’t practice, and most of the time the quality isn’t as good. Information may want to be free, but your apartment doesn’t, and this is our attempt at solving that problem. People like reading funny things; they also like making funny things. We’re just trying to connect the two in a way that makes sense.
Second, as a not-for-profit, we don’t have a lot of infrastructure or the need to answer to a bunch of fat-cat backers. So we’re hoping to run as lean as possible and pass maximum revenue through to our contributors.
This is a labor of love—we hope you enjoy the site.