Ovaphobia: Fear of being compared to an egg

Matrispinaphobia: Fear of stepping on the crack and breaking your mother’s back

Arachnophobia: Fear of the great responsibility that comes with being bitten by a spider

Nullprenupaphobia: Fear of your ex-wife taking half of your fortune

Camotunicaphobia: Fear of that one shadow in your room that looks like a ferocious demon but is actually just your jacket

Sociobetaphobia: Fear of walking past a group of middle school girls in the mall

Erectodysfunctophobia: Fear of knowing I’ll never be enough for you (Mindy, please take me back)

Metaphobia: Fear of phobias

Wabbitophobia: Fear of getting tricked by Bugs Bunny disguised as a beautiful lady rabbit

Kafkaphobia: Fear of becoming a cockroach

Homophobia: Fear of the early hominid Homo Erectus

Blankophobia: Fear of unnecessary white space




Normalphobia: Fear of scary things

Minestronephobia: Fear of drowning in soup

Editoriphobia: Fear of an anglerfish with human legs

Agoraphobia: Fear of Ancient Greek marketplaces

Roosephobia: Fear of fear itself
