Do reveal your superhero identity when going into
surgery. You don’t want your doctors to panic when
they see any mutations.
Do reveal your superhero identity at a friend’s birthday
party. Your friend will appreciate the entertainment
(plus it’s way cheaper than hiring a magician).
Do reveal your superhero identity on the first day of
classes. You’ve got to make new friends somehow.
(Also, if you’re at Sky High, it’s part of your
participation grade.)
Don’t reveal your secret identity when you are going
through airport security. Only Batman-level
superheroes are allowed to go through the express
lane with dangerous toys.
Don’t reveal your superhero identity while taking the
SAT. The proctor will void your scores for talking/
flying/using x-ray-vision during the math section.
Don’t reveal your superhero identity in an environment
full of elderly people prone to heart attacks.
Especially don’t reveal your secret identity when the
elderly people are also supervillains.
If necessary, contact Edna Mode at edna.mode@ to help keep your
identity secret.
—M. Harris